Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Tips To Learn English Lesson 3


7 Ways To Be Speaking In English

1. Use methods Listening and Responding to Short Stories (Listen and Answer Min Story) instead of Hearing and Repeaters (Listen and Repeat).

     Methods of learning English that often we get so far is Hearing and Repeaters (Listen and repeat), for example, we are learning English after listening to tapes, we repeat what we hear, and it was not enough because it only copies the conversation. However, with the hearing and answer (Question of the story) we have to think to think and to be answered quickly. If doing it this way on a regular basis for 4 months, increasing the ability to speak, able to speak quickly, easily and automatically. 

     So what exactly Listen and Answer Mini Story?
Recording a mini story (short) interspersed many easy questions, but constant, rapidly. So do not have time to think about grammar. Thus trained to talk, quickly and automatically.
How is that how to make:

     To make Listen And Answer Mini Story that we actually need the help of a native English tutor people (Native Tutor), to make a recording of mini stories are interspersed many questions. Mini story is what should we hear every day.

2. Quit Studying Grammar Rules 

     Whenever incoming class english grammar rules must be learned especially tenses and grammar rules. We were required to memorize so many tenses. Although it was memorized and understood, most of us would stutter or tebata-brick used in conversation, the other person let alone foreigners. That happens because learning grammar rules makes us always think of when engaged in conversation. While we want to learn definitely want to be able to use it in everyday life secala smooth and natural.

3. Use methods of Hearing (Listening)

     To understand the English language we have a lot to hear. Stop reading Test Book (English textbooks) because the materials in the textbooks actually very rarely used in everyday percarakapan and start to hear anything that was delivered in English. Learn by ear rather than the eye. English Mendengarlah 1-3 hours every day. 

4. Studying In Depth

     Learn in depth to be able to talk easily. Learn every word, every phrase in depth in order to really stored in memory, not only to understand / remember the meaning or learn just for the exam. Quickly learned quickly just makes us forget what they have learned.

     How is that learning in depth, how to learn / hear each material many times. What if the audio book had learned 3 times a day for 10 days.

5. Lestening Short Story Presented by Time (tenses) Different (Point Of View Stories)

     In Point 2 do not learn the rules of grammar, even so we should still be able to use correct grammar.

     So how where do I?
Learn grammar naturally.
Do I hear the same short story that is delivered using the time (tense) different, the story is called Point Of View Stories.

     Example: First heard stories that use the Present Tense Every day, After having completely understand and adhere diingatan, heard the same story again but the use of Past Tense (And so on using different tenses).

     How to create a Point Of View Stories
Look for stories / short article in the Present Tense, then ask your tutor to write the original English kebali with time (tenses) different (Ex: Past Tense, Future Tense, Perfect Tense), and then ask him to read and record it.

6. Learning English language is not English Text Book (based on book)

     Have friends over to learn English, but it is still problematic to understand the words of the English? Actually we are not wrong, it is a learning method that we use for this is simply to learn English by Books (Text book of English). Therefore we have to learn the English language that is not really a Text Book (albeit delivered in a cassette or CD).
Learning materials based on the book, not the same as that used in everyday life.

     To be able to understand what the English people to say / say, then we must do what they usually do. Listening to what others have to, watch what they used to watch, read what others have read.

     To be able to speak / understand what was said in English to be heard, in accordance with atauran to talk easily to be heard. Therefore only listen to real english, tv, radio, movies, radio talk shows, audio books, audio article in English.

7. Methods Listening and Responding to Short Stories (Listen and Answer Mini Story) is an easy and fast way to be able to speak the English language easily and automatically.

Source: http://effortlessenglish.com

     For those who wanted to get fluent in english please try it may be useful and apologize if there is an error in the delivery. Because I am just trying to share what I have learned in the Indonesian language that is easily understood.

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