Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Experience learning English

   on this occasion I'll tell you how the first time
I learned how english and I'll share how exciting  to learn english.
English is an international language the most commonly 
used around the world, so it is important for us as students learn.

   In Junior High School I think learning English are scary,
because i dont know what the teacher was talking about
when she teaching so when the lesson is over I dont understand  
anything what is explained by teachers in the class. 
Days was stressful because english lessons so that 
the lowest value when raport are shared english lesson.

   In Senior High School English lesson was scary start to fade.
since in Senior High School when I met a friend the was good at
English lessons.
Because she I started to love the English language. 
I became interested in knowing what the English lesson. I think 
that the English language beneficial because it can add 
to our language skills especially during the period of work later.

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