Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

Tips To Learn English Lesson 4


How to Quickly Learn Reading (Reading)

Many have problems in reading and understanding the English language text. The main key to overcome the only one that is keep practicing. Maybe my friend asked readers, how to practice good. Yes, here's how to practice reading and understanding the English text that can be tried:

1. Reset Time to Read Every Day

Set the time to read every day, on a regular basis will be able to increase the ability to read and comprehend the English language text. For example, provide a minimum of 15 minutes to read before bed before sleep, for example,

2. Use Books / Reading General Interest

To be moderate and not tebebani in practice use a common textbook examples and interesting story books or novels.

3. Checks Reading Speed

If you want to have the ability to read English rapidly, must check reading speed, if the speed would not know what we've read good or is there any improvement after practice. How that can be read every 5-10 minutes when stopped to count how many pages the book has been read. Just set the alarm clock at home or in Hp for the future. Speed ​​reading is calculated in How Many Words / Minute reading.

4. Checks in Reading Comprehension

Having the ability to read quickly will not mean anything if it does not understand what we read. If you want to practice at the same time understanding the english text to practice reading speed when reading each chapter stop (If reading a novel) or any part, or any group of 10 or 12 pages (if the form of text), and then ask ourselves a few questions about what has been we read. If you do not know / forgot the order of the story, and could not clearly remember what has been read, re-re-read a chapter or section be read before

5. Practise Reading Fast as Lightning

Reading as soon as we? How do it?
How to read in a flash, provide 4 or 5 pages of general interest, then read as fast as you can, do not need to think about whether or not understand the reading. When finished reading speed was back to normal the way you feel, the speed in which you can understand the content of the reading text. If this practice reading with lightning speed, reading speed can be increased by 50-100 words / minute. This technique is commonly used runners, training them while they practice running faster than they should do during the race

6. Dictionary Do not Use When Reading

When reading the dictionary do interspersed see, to know the meaning of difficult words found when reading, because it is not effective. If our aim read to understand or understood these works do not need to know the meaning of the word one by one, to determine the meaning of words we can see from the context of the sentence / phrase overall. If you still want to know the meaning of the word, write the paper and find a means to use a dictionary when you're done reading.

7. Notice Paragraph Structure

To be able to quickly memahai core readings to note is the attention or memmahami main idea of each paragraph in the passage, generally located at the beginning of the sentence, the sentence was final and there is sometimes a middle (telling comparison), usually the main idea of this sentence. By reading the main ideas can get an idea of ​​the contents of these paragraphs, if there is no such phrase in the search at the beginning of the end, if a paragraph comparing two things try looking in the middle of a paragraph.

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